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Botox Injection Training Course Comparison

Why did I feel the need to make this Botox course comparison chart?

As I personally researched “the right” class to take for my own learning. I found there were a surprising amount of classes available. I also found it overwhelming to try to discern which was the best class for me. To sort through information on the websites and then clarify any missing or unclear info would take forever. I searched for a comparison of these courses, but found nothing. So, I figured other providers were out there who could use the same. And the deeper I got into this industry the more I realized how much a Botox course comparison chart is needed.

Introductory Botox and filler course options

There are 5 large nation-wide companies that offer a botox-only course. And there are 9 large nation-wide companies offering combined botox and fillers course.

The best place to start your own aesthetics practice is with a botox-only or Botox and fillers introductory level class.

If you’d like to see an objective factual botox course comparison between the most popular classes, subscribe here. You will immediately receive our Botox Training Course Comparison guidebook in your email when you subscribe!  The topics covered in this Botox Training Course Comparison include:

The best place to start your own aesthetics practice is with a botox-only or Botox and fillers introductory level class.

If you’d like to see an objective factual botox course comparison between the most popular classes, subscribe here. You will immediately receive our Botox Training Course Comparison guidebook in your email when you subscribe!  The topics covered in this Botox Training Course Comparison include:

  • Course provider
  • Course length
  • Hands-on time
  • Cost
  • Product included in the cost
  • Product provided (exact amounts)
  • Models provided
  • CE credit
  • Cities offered
  • Frequency of classes offered
  • Number of attendees
  • Day of the week
  • Qualification to inject at the course
  • Didactic portion done ahead of time
  • Notable info
  • Cover TMJ, migraine, hyperhidrosis
  • Business/marketing covered
  • Online/course material notes
  • Pharmaceutical discount buying group
  • Special offers
  • Online stand-alone courses offered
  • Other products sold (videos, kits)
  • Website
  • Contact info


When choosing a course to learn how to inject Botox (neurotoxins) there are a few questions you need to ask yourself.

Do I want a big company or to find a local trainer in a small setting?

There are pros and cons to both. If you go to a big company there is likely to be more consistent and curated materials. Finding and accessing a big box course is easier. These courses also have some networking, infrastructure and resources available to its participants.

An independent practitioner offering training offers one big pro, which is access to someone in your city as a mentor. If you find a local trainer, they will likely be someone you can turn to in an emergency. A local practicing trainer will be someone you could refer complicated clients to. Also a local trainer will consistently be the same person instructing instead of rotating instructors.

Do I want to include dermal fillers in my practice?

Botox is much more widely utilized, which means the majority of your business will likely be injecting Botox. Botox is more straight forward with less complications than dermal filler injection. Although this being said, there is a lot of overlap of botox training and filler training. Also, Botox and dermal fillers work together to create the younger look your client wants. Not to mention the profit margin on dermal fillers is much larger than Botox.

So, fillers are going to bring in more of the big bucks. If you are interested in both, you likely want to go ahead and take the courses in a bundle to save some money. Just make sure to choose a course that doesn’t short change your botox training in order to add in filler. For example, a fast-track one-day course. Most of the courses either offer botox one day and fillers the next day. Or other courses do the didactic portion online prior to attendance of a live practice session with Botox as the morning and filler in the afternoon.

Do I want to do my learning online ahead of time?

This might be a personal preference of your learning style. My personal opinion is this option is beneficial to already know the material to your comfort level before going into inject a real patient. The time to review on your own and to let the material sink in is helpful. Another benefit to this is that the material is not variable based on instructor skill. The courses that offer the didactic portion online ahead of time typically supply a certificate for completing the online portion and another certificate for the hands-on portion. The didactic completed certificate alone could help you apply for a job immediately or start to plan how to integrate these services into your practice.

Am I interested in learning other aesthetic skills?

Most of the companies that offer a Botox course also offer an array of other courses on topics such as laser treatments, Sclerotherapy, Med Spa and business courses, and the list goes on. If you would like to take more courses over the next year (or two) than you will want to look at getting a membership or multi-class discount. This concept also applies if you are bringing multiple people from your office to learn Botox, if so discounts are available.

Do I want to include treatments that will be billed through medical insurance?

Services such as TMJ injection, migraine injections, hyperhidrosis injections are usually billed through insurance. Medical insurance may not reimburse you enough to make it worth your time. If your office is already familiar with this process this could be a great addition to your practice. But if you have no interest in learning this skill, you might want a class that doesn’t spend time on it.

Are you interested in a discount buyers’ group for product?

This seems like a great perk on first glance. The idea seems to be to pool a large group of clinicians to order together to receive a discounted price (well actually it is free sample vials that get included). As I have researched into this, it may be wiser to order directly through your local Allergan (Botox) or MERZ (Xeomin) rep. Your local rep will also offer bonus vials in your order. It is also questionable if these discount buyer groups really do get you more for your money, the pharmaceutical company should have the best deal in town. When you go directly through your local rep you know the product is coming from legit sources and not have any FDA concerns on your hands.

Do I want to bring my own model?

This does vary by company. One big reason to bring your own model is to be able to see the results once the Botox effects are visible in a week. Also, if you use you yourself volunteer as a model or bring a spouse you are benefitting from the cost of the product which may or may not be built into the cost of the course. Look carefully at how the product is paid for and by who. Some courses charge the model per unit, some include a base amount, and some the product cost is additional. Some Botox courses use saline for injecting. Since you cannot see the effects of Botox for a week, saline use does not necessarily detract from learning the technique.

How much do I want to spend on a course?

The botox course comparison chart shows pricing side-by-side. The courses are similar in price for the most part. One huge factor to look at no matter what course you look at is finding out if you will need to pay extra for the Botox and filler product at the course. If so how much? You can end up paying up to a couple thousand dollars more in buying product to inject at the course.

I’d like to point out some things are the same across the board for all the courses listed in the botox course comparison chart:

  • All are held in hotel conference rooms over a weekend.
  • All allow all licensed clinicians to inject on live patients at the course. If you are an RN you do no need to bring along your collaborating physician.
  • All cover business basics such as pricing, standard consent forms. None of them will cover your own state regulations and how to set up a practice in that regard.
  • All will teach about facial anatomy, complications and different product options and reconstitution and storage.

Lastly, I’d like to make a disclaimer that I filled this chart out based on the companies’ website information and based on phone conversations with the companies. This information is not guaranteed to be 100% accurate or unchanged. The entire reason for making this comparison is the lack of clarity about the exact difference between these courses- which is no easy task.

CLICK HERE to receive the Botox and Fillers Course Comparisons Guide Book!


Cassie Lane and Suzanne Jagger Founders of Injectables EDU

Meet the co-founders of Injectables EDU: Suzanne Jagger, DNP, CRNA, and Cassie Lane, CRNA, DNAP

Suzanne, a seasoned nurse with over 20 years of experience, founded Aura Academy, prioritizing personalized care and safety. Cassie, co-creator of the Elite NP Aesthetics Course, brings her patient care expertise to the aesthetics world. Together, they lead Injectables EDU, providing top-tier education in injectables.

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